Well-being nurses to support more NSW school children


More NSW children will have access to important well-being support at school as a result of the NSW Government committing $60 million over four years to continue the successful Wellbeing and Health In-reach Nurse (WHIN) Coordinator program.

Since the program started in 2018, more than 10,000 students have been supported by well-being nurses.

Around 100 well-being nurses are spread across metro, rural and regional areas of NSW working in about 400 public schools, potentially giving 150,000 students access to their important service.

The WHIN Coordinator program is a joint initiative of NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education. The wraparound service embeds well-being nurses in public primary and secondary schools to coordinate appropriate early intervention, assessments and referral to health and social services, for students, their siblings and their parents.

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NSW Government says it has “commitment” to provide improved care

The announcement to provide funding for more nurses in schools across the state is one component of the NSW Government’s commitment to improving student and teacher well-being in schools. This commitment also includes the decision to increase the number of counsellors in schools, ensuring an additional 250 counsellors are recruited.

“Well-being nurses are providing important care and support by connecting students and their families to health and community services,” NSW Premier Chris Minns says.

“This has a positive flow on effect by delivering improved health outcomes and better education engagement for students across New South Wales, and I am pleased to announce this service will continue for another four years under the NSW Labor Government.”

NSW Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car says she is “delighted to see this successful program will continue, providing students in around 400 public schools with ongoing access to support through a well-being nurse”.

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The NSW Minister for Health Ryan Park described the role these well-being nurses play in school communities as “vital”.

“We know well-being nurses are effective in assisting students and their families to access care for health and wellbeing needs they otherwise would not receive, so I’m proud thousands of children and young people across NSW will continue to benefit from this important service.”

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