EducationDaily partners with PETAA


A content partnership agreement has been entered into between EducationDaily and the Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA).

This is a collaboration that we are excited about at EducationDaily. It offers us the opportunity to support PETAA in strengthening the reach of their voice with Australian educators, while giving us greater access to PETAA’s learning activities, events, and publications to support our audience with their own professional development.

Since its foundation in 1972, PETAA has focused on supporting primary school educators in the teaching and learning of English and literacies across the curriculum. Using evidence-based strategies, PETAA sees teachers as experts who curate content and learning activities that supports learning that develops cumulatively over time.

In the coming weeks, EducationDaily will be able to take you inside the PETAA 2024 Conference with articles about the event and interviews with speakers and guests. Their annual conference is NESA accredited and can be attended in-person in Parramatta or streamed online live and on-demand.

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EducationDaily editor Claire Halliday is enthused about the opportunities this partnership offers and said “We make it a priority to support teachers, administrators, and school communities with news and information that they can use each and every day. It is fantastic that we are able to support PETAA, an organisation that shares many of our interests, through this partnership.”

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