Empowered learning in the classroom


As popularity of podcasts significantly increases in modern day culture, including them into the curriculum not only encompasses the idea of blended learning, but is a powerful way to incorporate the concept of lifelong transferable skills.

These skills allow students to refine their project management abilities, verbalise their decision making with other students, encapsulate their reasoning for these decisions, and actively analyse risk and mitigation strategies in the case of events not going as initially intended.

No matter the subject, schools can integrate team-building and collaborative skills by having students work together to create a short audio project for a portion – or all – of the assignment. Students will also be able to practice their public speaking abilities through joint audio recording projects, furthering their lifelong communication skills.

Podcasting is a multi-faceted way to drive a sense of community, belonging and collaboration at school. A school podcast, radio or broadcast of any kind involves the efforts of a collective group of students and/or staff to plan, record and produce an audio segment that can be shared with the school, community, or even globally online.

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The increasing importance of audio in education

As schools continue to steer through face-to-face, virtual, or blended learning conditions, high quality audio in education has become fundamental.

Throughout the pandemic we saw the immediate demand for schools to swiftly alter their ways of connecting with students. Two years on and we continue to see schools adjusting to new methods of educating and learning.

As approaches to teaching continue to evolve, school room audio systems provide great assistance for teachers and students.

High quality audio systems offer the capacity to communicate intelligibly and are vital in realising educational experiences that warrant effective learning and communication with students.

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Audio technology additionally aids teachers and supports attractive learning environments in both virtual and physical school rooms.

Striving to better the student experience

DJ City Education offers solutions that help schools stay ahead of the curve and be at the forefront of AV education.

We understand the value of time, which is why we offer specialised equipment with full training for schools. We’re here to make teaching easier, rather than add to the already busy schedules of teachers and staff.

DJ City Education is proud to be equipped with the resources and knowledge to support schools to obtain, educate and implement all aspects of audio, lighting, music, production, theatre, and presentation.

Opening career pathways

Although university courses or VET studies are helpful, students do not need a formal qualification to obtain work as an audio or lighting technician. Because of this, several schools are introducing extra-curricular audio and lighting training for their students. It’s not only a great way to learn valuable skills in the field of audio and lighting, but students can also learn at their own pace, jumping straight into work/work experience whenever they like.

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The role of an audio technician is to manage a team to guarantee the finest attainable production that exceeds the expectations of the consumer. Learning to record, amplify, mix, and enhance audio is a skill that can be applied in a broad range of different career fields.

Every professional TV show, song, radio broadcast, advertisement, podcast, film, concert, and animation requires audio technicians and the industry is always welcoming of new talent. By allowing students to have a hand in the planning and operation of audio or lighting for a school performance, gala, or theatre production, you can enable a sense of pride, ownership, and achievement within the students.


Promoting a sense of belonging and community connection at school

Transitioning from primary to secondary school or reconnecting with peers in the post-pandemic world has proven difficult for many students. In fact, mental health is widely regarded as one of the main challenges facing students in the modern schooling system.

Studies have shown that promoting a sense of belonging and community connection at school is one way to help students’ mental health; this notion is closely related to the concept of relatedness and is essential to human growth and development. The need to feel connected with others, as well as the need to experience a sense of belonging, are two focuses that schools are gravitating towards when further developing a 21st century curriculum.

Many schools are introducing modern curricular and extracurricular activities which foster the idea of community belonging such as running a school broadcast or podcast, working in theatre AV, music production, live streaming or creating a team in the increasingly popular world of eSports. Many of these aspects can be incorporated into every-day classes and assessment to spark interest and creativity among students.

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Blended learning solutions is a tremendous way for teachers and learners to stay engaged with the content and showcase their creativity all at once.

Emergency solutions for any scenario

When it comes to setting up for a sports carnival, organising an outdoor assembly, running activities at school camp, or commanding a fire drill, access to mains power may not always be an option – schools need reliable solutions to accommodate any scenario.

Some solutions may be in the form of an emergency, backup power generator or a portable speaker/microphone to speak with larger crowds on the go. However, power generators can be absurdly heavy, not to mention extremely noisy.

Countless schools are turning to cutting edge, energy efficient power generators that are lightweight, significantly better for the environment, and that can power speakers and radios, as well as charge phones and laptops all at the same time. The superior lightweight, powerful option of electric power generators means that it can be taken anywhere, at any time, for any purpose.

In today’s era, portable speakers are a necessity for schools that require flexible audio solutions with multiple applications. They are as efficient as traditional, cabled speakers, all whist remaining state-of-the-art in our technological world.

Going portable also means that you no longer have the need of messy cabling. Not only does this minimise the tripping hazard, but it makes connecting to them via any Bluetooth enabled device a breeze.

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Find out more about what is possible at your school by talking with the team at DJ City:


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