Agricultural science graduates are in high demand. In fact, it’s estimated there are six jobs to every graduate.
The Agricultural Science Careers Forum on 30 August at the University of Tasmania in Hobart will provide an opportunity for Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours students to connect with industry and consider the many career opportunities available to them.
The event gives students a chance to meet with industry and local businesses to discuss a variety of careers on offer in the agriculture sector. It also gives industry a chance to connect with students who are considering their future careers.
Associate Head of Learning and Teaching at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), Professor Alistair Gracie, says the event benefits both students and employers.
“This is a great chance for future employers and employees to network and explore options,” Gracie says.
“It’s so beneficial to students who are considering their future career journeys and they’re often surprised by the variety of jobs that are available in the agriculture sector.”
Gracie says students who graduate from the University with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours have rewarding careers.
“The Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours offers a diversity of career paths and opportunities. It can lead to a range of careers in the private, government and non-government sectors not only on farms, but in scientific research, business, policy and regulation,” Gracie says.
“Our graduates are highly sought after by industry. Students studying our bachelor degrees usually have job offers before they graduate. It’s estimated by the Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture that there are six jobs Australia-wide for every graduate.”
Gracie says the Agricultural Science degree is well supported by industry and the broader community with more than $250,000 in scholarships available each year and numerous opportunities to interact with industry through field trips, industry placements, and industry-supported honours research projects.
The Careers Forum event will include industry introductions and a future food systems panel discussion, followed by an informal networking session.