Booming enrolments point to students savouring food innovation education


Enrolments into Murdoch University’s Food Centre in Nambeelup, Western Australia, have exceeded 2025 expectations.

The custom-built facility – a 40-minute drive from Murdoch’s South Street campus – is part of the Food Innovation Precinct of Western Australia (FIPWA) and was especially designed for food science research and education. It also aims to help transform WA’s food and beverage manufacturing industry by fostering industry innovation to drive business growth and develop new food products and exports.

Twenty-two students will study postgraduate Food Science at the new bespoke campus this semester. Subjects on offer include Food Product Design and Development, Food Commodities and Food Chemistry. Human Nutrition has a record 45 students already enrolled from Food Science and Food Security streams, with enrolments expected to reach 55 students.

Murdoch University Food Science Lecturer Dr Wendy Hunt says the combination of a new campus, a robustly designed curriculum, as well as a strong teaching team with an industry-based practical approach to learning, were key elements boosting interest in the Food Centre. 

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“The Food Science programs are among the strongest in food safety available. Individual units in Food Microbiology, Food Safety and Risk Assessment allow students to specialise in this crucial area,” says Hunt.

“Murdoch Food Science students also get something else others don’t. The Sustainable Innovative Food Technology Facility (SIFT) is located next door within FIPWA. This state-of-the-art food factory allows startup and smaller food producers to turn their product concepts into commercial food products actually sitting on shop shelves in WA. Students are literally working right alongside, and with, industry to help build food innovation in WA.” 

The SIFT Centre is the result of a WA Government (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development) partnership with the Future Food Systems CRC and delivered by Murdoch University.

Mandurah Mayor Caroline Knight says the new campus reinforces the region’s reputation as a hub for innovation and education but also brings significant opportunities for people living in Mandurah.

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“By providing access to world-class food science programs close to home, this initiative opens doors for local students and professionals to pursue their education and career goals without needing to leave the region,” says Knight.

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