Young Tall Poppy Science Award winners celebrated for exceptional research

Claire Halliday
ECU's WA Young Tall Poppy winners (L-R) Dr Brennen Mills and Dr Liezhou Zhong awarded for their exceptional research, science promotion and community engagement.

Two researchers from Western Australia’s Edith Cowan University (ECU) have been awarded Young Tall Poppy Science Awards.

Dr Brennen Mills, Senior Lecturer and Lead, Simulation & Immersive Digital Technology Group (SIDTG) in the School of Medical & Health Sciences (SMHS), and Dr Liezhou Zhong Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Nutrition & Health Innovation Research Institute (NHIRI) were honoured for their exceptional research, science promotion and community engagement.

The Young Tall Poppy Science Awards are run by the Australian Institute of Policy and Science (AIPS) to celebrate up-and-coming scientists who combine world-class research with a commitment to communicating science.

The Tall Poppy campaign

The Tall Poppy Campaign was created in 1998 by the Australian Institute of Policy and Science (AIPS) to recognise and celebrate Australian intellectual and scientific excellence and to encourage younger Australians to follow in the footsteps of our outstanding achievers.

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The winners of Young Tall Poppy Science Awards (‘Tall Poppies’) actively promote interest in science among school students and teachers, as well as an understanding and appreciation of science in the broader community.

Winners at the forefront of research

AIPS says the selected scientists represent the forefront of research in their fields and demonstrate the high calibre of work being conducted across WA.

Dr Brennen Mills is a Senior Lecturer and active researcher with an interest in leveraging novel technologies for education and training in the clinical and behavioural sciences. Mills is currently serving as the Chair of the SMHS Ethics Subcommittee and Co-Chair of the ECU Early-Mid Career Research Network.

Recent examples of work by Mills and the SIDTGs includes three years of category wins at the WA Information Technology & Communications Alliance (WAITTA) INCITE Awards.

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For 2024, this includes the Innovating Government category for their ParaVerse virtual reality parachute rehearsal and training simulator developed for Special Operations Command Army. This project was further acknowledged with two category wins (Emergency Technology and Collaborative Innovation) at the 2024 Indian Ocean Defence & Security Innovation Awards.

Mills is also developing ‘Barry‘, a virtual reality-enhanced, artificial intelligence (AI)-driven digital character, designed to train healthcare workers in aggression and violence de-escalation strategies..

Dr Zhong is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Nutrition & Health Innovation Research Institute within the School of Medical and Health Sciences. His research focuses on how new food processing technologies such as 3D food printing can improve human nutrition and health. Zhong established the Future Foods & Digital Gastronomy Laboratory at ECU and is the lead researcher of the lab.

He developed and led a large industry and community engagement and training campaign on 3D food printing based healthy and sustainable eating, and STEM education.

Zhong has delivered more than 65 demonstrations and 3D printed food tastings and has also conducted more than 20 school incursions/excursions, including those for WA regional schools at Pilbara and South-West, which were funded by the Polly Farmer Foundation.

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classroom setting with children in black uniforms with black and white Indigenous design on sleeves, sitting cross-legged on Indigenous design floor mat, watching a screen and listening to a presenter woman in a red polo shirt and black skirt.One of the regional tour sessions on 3D printed food at a school in the Pilbara.

He recently showcased ECU’s innovative food technology and leadership to address urgent challenges in Australia and beyond at the Tech Policy Futures event at National Parliament House Canberra.

All Young Tall Poppy Science Award recipients will be celebrated at the Young Tall Poppy award ceremony at the WA Museum, Boola Bardip, in September where one person will be named the WA Young Tall Poppy of the Year.

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Claire Halliday has an extensive career as a full-time writer - across book publishing, copywriting, podcasting and feature journalism - for more than 25 years. She lives in Melbourne with children, two border collies and a grumpy Burmese cat. Contact: claire.halliday[at]