Film series offers virtual compass to navigate AI in higher education

Claire Halliday
Claire Halliday
A new six-part film series produced by experts at WA's Curtin University is designed to help navigate AI's role in higher education.

A new six-part film series from Western Australia’s Curtin University aims to explore how AI is reshaping the traditional paradigms of teaching and learning and raise awareness of appropriate use of AI in higher education.

Navigating the Digital World features interviews with prominent educators, industry experts and thought leaders who share their perspectives on the exciting opportunities and emerging challenges associated with AI integration in higher education.

The collaborative production, created by staff from Curtin’s Faculty of Humanities, Learning Partnerships and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic’s office, launched last week, with each instalment focused on addressing a unique aspect of AI’s influence in education – from personalised and challenge-based learning to critical thinking and efficiency.

In an AI-driven world, what can tomorow’s students expect?

Episode one, entitled The AI Landscape in Higher Education, explores the transformative impact of AI on university life. As students step into an AI-driven world, they grapple with new questions: How can they navigate this journey in an ever-changing digital world? Can they rely on AI to do the heavy lifting?

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“This episode delves into the changing landscape of work, emphasising the need for genuine learning experiences. AI, with its potential to revolutionise education, promises personalised learning and global impact. However, the creative process must remain authentic – AI as a guide, not a crutch,” says Curtin University Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Professor Paul Brunton.

The AI Landscape in Higher Education – is available online here and features experts from across Curtin and beyond including Academic Integrity Advisor Associate Professor Lesley Sefcik, WA Data Science Innovation Hub Director Alex Jenkins, journalism Lecturer Dr Glynn Greensmith, LinkedIn Head of Public Sector Becky Tyler, John Curtin Gallery Associate Director Associate Professor Susanna Castleden, animation and game design Lecturer Jonathan Pillai, Chief Information Officer Jason Cowie and Dean, Sustainable Futures Professor Josh Byrne.

AI literacy is critical

In today’s dynamic digital environment, Professor Brunton says, AI literacy is essential and Navigating the Digital World will foster a nuanced understanding of AI’s substantial capabilities, ethical considerations and responsible use.

“While the short films were produced with our Curtin community in mind, AI in education is an emerging issue across the education landscape, making this series of interest to everyone involved in teaching and learning,” Professor Brunton says.

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Upcoming films will cover themes including maintaining academic integrity with AI, developing critical thinking on AI-generated media, addressing AI bias and ethics concerns, leveraging AI capabilities at Curtin and envisioning the AI-powered future of education.

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Claire Halliday has an extensive career as a full-time writer - across book publishing, copywriting, podcasting and feature journalism - for more than 25 years. She lives in Melbourne with children, two border collies and a grumpy Burmese cat. Contact: claire.halliday[at]