It’s official: Australian teachers are happy with their Initial Teacher Education programs


A newly released Monash University study into the future of teaching found that almost three-quarters of 611 surveyed teachers reported high levels of satisfaction with the education and training they go through to become teachers in their Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program.

Overall, 73 per cent of Australian teachers rated their ITE programs as positive, with 23 per cent rating them as excellent, and 50 per cent rating them as good.

Teachers who had studied for a Master of Teaching had the highest level of satisfaction, with 30 per cent rating their training as excellent, compared to 22 per cent of those who had studied for an undergraduate teaching qualification, and 20 per cent who had studied for a Graduate Diploma.

The Faculty of Education at Monash University commissioned polling organisation YouGov to conduct the landmark survey and the findings will now inform the terms of reference for an independent inquiry into the future of the teaching profession within Australia.

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About ITE programs

Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs are subject to government reform to improve the quality of education, support, and development for teachers early in their careers, and generate a pipeline of teachers. The programs are teaching qualifications accredited by state and territory teacher regulatory authorities using nationally agreed Accreditation Standards and Procedures.

The results by state

Teachers who trained in Victoria were more impressed with their ITE program than their counterparts in other states, with 24 per cent saying it was excellent and 55 per cent saying it was good.

They just topped both NSW and QLD-based teachers, where 23 per cent and 20 per cent respectively rated their ITE programs as excellent, and 48 per cent and 52 per cent rated them as good.

The future of teacher training

Professor Viv Ellis, Dean of the Faculty of Education at Monash, said this research highlights Australian teachers’ satisfaction with their ITE programs, despite the common assumption that this is not the case.

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“Given that research is increasingly telling us that teachers can keep on getting better throughout their careers, greater attention needs to be given to providing regular, effective continuing professional development for our country’s teachers,” Professor Ellis said.

“This will require a shift in focus from policymakers – away from the overwhelming emphasis on ITE and towards effective, system-wide CPD that becomes a regular part of teachers’ workload rather than a bolt-on.”

“The Australian government and ITE providers alike should be proud of the findings of our survey. The survey results suggest that state and territory regulators are doing a good job too,” Professor Ellis said.

“Rather than focusing on the unsubstantiated claim that teachers are generally dissatisfied with ITE programs, we should instead focus on the willingness and capacity of ITE providers to continually improve these programs.”

The teacher experience 

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Monash Education Alum and secondary school teacher Michael Regalo said his ITE program provided him with a broad range of experience across a variety of topics. 

“Throughout my ITE experience, I studied a variety of topics that provided me with a diverse range of experiences to explore effective curriculum and assessment practices and establish a strong professional foundation,” he said. “The opportunities to apply the educational research I acquired in class during my practical course work were invaluable and enriched my overall ITE experience.”

While Mr Regalo described the knowledge he gained as being “fruitful in the classroom”, he is most grateful for the ‘academic space’ that allowed him to explore his identity as a teacher.

“I was equipped with the skills to become the inquiring and reflective practitioner that I am today,” he said. “While my ITE course could not prepare me for every challenge I would encounter as a teacher, it did inspire a love for the profession and marked the first milestone in my lifelong learning journey.”

The survey also revealed that just 35 per cent of Australian teachers say that most of their continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities help to make them a better teacher. And while 68 per cent of teachers reported having at least regular opportunities for CPD, 29 per cent reported having limited opportunities, and three per cent none at all.

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“There is always room for improvement and further innovation by ITE providers, which the teaching profession is prepared and eager for,” Professor Ellis said.

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Charlie Writes is a Sydney based, London born, Caribbean writer, interviewer and poet. A colourful 27 year career has taken Charlie from typing poems on the spot on her 1970’s typerwiter named June, to donning a hard hat as a roving reporter in the construction industry. All while living out her favourite quote that the greatest adventures begin with a simple conversation.