After completing her undergraduate degree in Psychological Science, Jemima Walker decided to take up a Master of Teaching (Secondary) at the University of Queensland (UQ).
It was discovering her passion for working with young people that led her to the degree she will graduate from later this year.
She says this World Teachers’ Day 2023 is a chance to consider the new challenges modern teachers face.
“With the release of ChatGPT in late 2022, I see academic integrity as one of the modern challenges facing teachers today,” Ms Walker told EducationDaily.
“Specifically, students can produce plausible artefacts with limited work using ChatGPT.
“While we are still in the early phases of attempting to understand how we can overcome this challenge, scholars in this field have suggested we may need to rethink the approaches we currently use to assess student learning by focusing on the learning process, rather than the artefact produced.”
However, she says she looks forward to her opportunity to become a teacher after she graduates later this year.
“Although the advent of generative AI poses significant challenges, the array of digital tools now available have the capacity to expand learning opportunities in the classroom,” she says.
“In this way, I think that digital technologies are one of the positives of teaching in modern times.
“For example, teachers can engage use the Our World in Data website, an online data portal, to create opportunities for students to visualise and explore complex statistical information in dynamic and interactive ways.”