Preparing new teachers for their first full-time roles in Australian classrooms

EducationDaily reached out to some experts to find out what it takes…

Claire Halliday
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Uni launches new First Nations ‘Wise One’ branding

Charles Darwin University (CDU) has announced its new First Nations branding, with…


Campus construction boosts international students and skilled workers

CDU will welcome an influx of overseas students with future hopes of…

Paul Eyers

Could academic TikTok boost uni student engagement and authenticity?

The consensus of academics was the platform was effective for engaging younger…


First-time partnership to boost national teaching workforce

The students will be guaranteed paid employment in TFA partnered schools for…

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Guidebook to boost student retention, unit completion and inclusion

The guidebook was created as part of a larger, strategic initiative.


Purpose-built uni accommodation aims to create international student mecca

The purpose-built student accommodation will play a key role in the NT’s…

Paul Eyers

The commodification of education

Today, Coursera, edX and Udemy offer courses from world-leading universities.

Claire Halliday

Teaching scholarships offer students the key to unlock education sector careers

Scholarships of $40,000 each will be available for undergraduate teaching students and…
