Holidays crank up kilos for Aussie kids

Claire Halliday

School holidays are already underway for some Australian children – and they are looking forward to some well-deserved time off. But new research shows that too much downtime can be unhealthy, with school holidays the prime time for excessive weight gain in kids.

The Life on Holidays study – conducted by the University of South Australia’s Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition and Activity team – assessed changes to children’s fitness and fatness during the holidays. It found that children’s body fat increased at a faster pace during school holidays than in-school periods.

The National Health and Medical Research Council ((NHMRC)-funded study found that young children (in grades four and five) expended less energy during holidays than during the school year.

During school holidays, children:

  • slept 12 minutes less per day
  • spent 12 minutes less per day being physically active
  • spent an additional 70 minutes per day on screen time.

As a result, children’s body fat increased at a greater rate during the holidays, with aerobic fitness declining faster than during school terms. It is the first study of its kind outside of the United States.

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Childhood obesity is a growing global issue

In Australia, one in four children and teenagers are overweight or obese. Globally, more than 124 million children and adolescents (6 per cent of girls and 8 per cent of boys) are obese.

UniSA’s Professor Tim Olds is the study’s lead researcher and says promoting physical activities for children in the school holidays could help address unhealthy weight gain and declining fitness.

“Like all of us, kids (and their parents) deserve some holiday downtime, but the way they spend their time on holidays is very different from the school term – and in ways which is not always good for children’s health,” Professor Olds says.

“On school holidays, kids are significantly less active than when they’re at school, and this translates into higher body fat percentages and lower levels of fitness. During the holidays, kids spend about 12 minutes less each day in moderate to vigorous physical activity – almost an hour and a half a week – and get more than an hour’s extra screen time each day. They also spend an extra 20 minutes each day in transport, and a quarter of an hour more per day just chilling.”

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Those changes in habits, he says, mean it is “not surprising to find that kids get fatter at a faster rate on school holidays compared to school term, and lose a lot of fitness”.

“If kids spent the whole year on holidays, their percentage of body fat would increase by about 4 per cent more each year than if they had no holidays, and their fitness would decline by about 10 per cent each year,” Professor Olds says.

Sedentary habits can have lifelong consequences

“Kids who are not getting enough exercise and movement have a greater risk of developing health issues, such as cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes later in life, so it’s important that we encourage kids to stay active and embrace a balance of downtime and exercise.”

The two-year study focused on more than 150 children aged 9-10 years, with data collected at the beginning and end of terms one and four from students in grades four and five.

Co-researcher, UniSA’s Dr Dot Dumuid says that one solution could be for Australia to adopt the American institution of summer camps and holiday programs to improve kids’ use of time during holidays.

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“A defining factor of school holidays is that they’re unstructured – they can get food from the fridge when they want it, and generally have access to computers and devices – and there’s no doubt that screen time plays a key role in increased sedentary time during school holidays,” Dr Dumuid says.

“When you compare this to the structure of a school day, where kids have a prepared lunch, and scheduled PE lessons and playtimes, it’s vastly different.”

In contrast, summer camps and holiday programs already popular in the US get a big tick of approval as they provide children with physical activities in a semi-structured way. The camps are, Dr Dumuid says, worth exploring in Australia, as a more active alternative to staring at screens.

“We all want our kids to be healthy,” Dr Dumuid says. “And while devices and TV may provide a bit of babysitting, is it really worth your child’s health?”

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Claire Halliday has an extensive career as a full-time writer - across book publishing, copywriting, podcasting and feature journalism - for more than 25 years. She lives in Melbourne with children, two border collies and a grumpy Burmese cat. Contact: claire.halliday[at]