Queensland state school principal arrested on child exploitation charges

Claire Halliday
Oxenford State School Principal Patric Brady (Facebook).

One mother’s post on social media late last week encapsulated the reaction of shock and uncertainty the community of Oxenford State School in Queensland felt when news broke that the school’s principal Patric Brady had been charged with six alleged offences related to child grooming and exploitation.

“We are keeping the kids home,” she said.

Queensland Police have accused the 54-year-old of possessing child exploitation material and using encrypted messaging apps to groom children in the Philippines for sexual activity.

He was arrested and charged following the execution of a search warrant at his home on Tuesday 27 August.

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Parents of the school’s students were left stunned by the development, with some choosing to keep their children at home while they processed the news.

Oxenford State School is on the Gold Coast and has 529 students enrolled in 2024.

A spokesperson for the Department of Education said support was being offered to the school community.

“The department is aware that a Department of Education employee was arrested (on Tuesday). The department is supporting the police investigation and is providing ongoing support to the affected school community,” said the spokesperson.

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“Counselling and guidance services are available for anyone requiring support.”

Parents were sent a letter last Wednesday afternoon, and police have aimed to help put parents’ minds at ease by making a statement that there were “no allegations” Brady’s alleged offending was related to his role at the school. The police statement said there were “:no indications at this time that any children at the school have been victimised”.

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Claire Halliday has an extensive career as a full-time writer - across book publishing, copywriting, podcasting and feature journalism - for more than 25 years. She lives in Melbourne with children, two border collies and a grumpy Burmese cat. Contact: claire.halliday[at]educationdaily.au