Full funding for Tassie public schools

Tasmanian Education Minister Jo Palmer says the funding agreement will help the state's public school students lead their best lives.

All Tasmanian public schools will be fully and fairly funded in 2026 following an historic bilateral agreement signed yesterday by the Albanese and Rockliff Governments.

The bilateral agreement formalises the Statement of Intent signed by both Governments in September and confirms all Tasmanian public schools will get to 100 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) from January 2026.

Tasmania becomes the third state or territory to sign on to the Better and Fairer Schools Agreement, delivering record funding to its schools and introducing targeted reforms which will help Tasmanian students to catch up, keep up and finish school.

Under the agreement, the Albanese Government will invest an estimated additional $153.5 million from 2025 to 2029 in Tasmanian public schools.

The Rockliff Government will increase its investment in schools by $195.9 million over the same period. Extra funding will be tied to literacy and numeracy, student wellbeing and workforce initiatives.

“Five weeks ago, we signed a Statement of Intent to fully fund Tassie public schools no later than 2029,” Federal Education Minister Jason Clare said in a statement announcing the historic agreement.

“Today’s agreement confirms that all Tassie public schools will start to receive full funding in just over 12 months – in January 2026.

“This is fantastic news for Tassie students and for public education it shows what can be done when governments work together.

“It shows that we can fully fund public schools and invest in the reforms that will make a real difference to the students who really need it.

“This agreement means that all schools in Tasmania will be fully funded and that funding will be invested in reforms to help students catch up, keep up and finish school.

“The agreements we have struck with Tasmania, WA and the Northern Territory are not blank cheques. Funding will be tied to real and practical reforms to deliver a better and fairer education system, which is what the signing of today’s Bilateral Agreement is all about.”

To meet this commitment additional new funding will be provided by the Tasmanian Government on top of commitments already announced in this year’s budget and the recent teachers’ wage agreement.

This means the Commonwealth will increase its share of funding from 20 per cent to 21.25 per cent in January next year and to 22.5 per cent of the SRS from January 2026, and the Tasmanian Government will increase its funding share to at least 77.5 per cent of the SRS from 2026.

Funding will be tied to reforms in the Better and Fairer Schools Agreement, including:

  • Year one phonics and early years numeracy checks to identify students in the early years of school who need additional help.
  • Evidence-based teaching and targeted and intensive supports, such as small-group or catch-up tutoring to help students who fall behind.
  • Accelerating the implementation of the school-based recommendations of Tasmania’s Lifting Literacy implementation plan, including a minimum schooling guarantee for reading across all schools in Tasmania.
  • Support for students to come to school ready to learn, including greater access to mental health supports.
  • Reducing absence at school by prioritising evidence-based approaches to improving attendance and strengthening re-engagement support programs.
  • Establishing and strengthening relationships and collaboration with Tasmanian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and First Nations peoples and communities within Tasmania to support increased cultural safety and responsiveness in the Tasmanian education system.
  • Support for VET specialist teachers and piloting incentive packages for attracting staff into remote and regional areas.

Funding aims to help Tassie students “lead their best lives”

The Tasmanian bilateral agreement can be accessed here. The BFSA Heads of Agreement can be accessed here.

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This Agreement is reliant on the Better and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024 being passed by the Parliament.

The Albanese Government has put a record $16 billion of additional investment for public schools on the table which, if accepted by all jurisdictions, would represent the biggest extra investment in public education by any Commonwealth government.

Tasmanian Minister for Education Jo Palmer described the agreement as “an historic milestone for Tasmanian Government schools, and we are really excited about what it means for our students and workforce”.

“This will support our students to achieve the educational outcomes they need and deserve so they can lead their best lives.”

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