Why being ‘school ready’ is so important

Claire Halliday
Claire Halliday
Preparing kids to be properly school ready helps set them up for positive educational outcomes.

With 22 per cent of children starting school declared ‘developmentally vulnerable’ and one-third of Australian students failing to learn to read proficiently, at an estimated cost to the economy of $40 billion, the Y WA has developed a program to engage children and get them ‘school ready’, with long-term positive life outcomes.

The new play-based intentional learning program is called School ReadY and has been rolled out across all 14 of the Y WA Early Learning Centres. The unique program is designed to support children aged between three-five, giving them the best start to formal schooling and enabling them to flourish both in school and beyond. 

School readiness refers to the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by a child, so that when they commence formal schooling they can successfully engage in learning.

The science of early childhood learning

The Y WA School ReadY program has been developed over two years and is informed by a contemporary understanding of the science of early childhood learning and brain development. It focusses on building success in three developmental domains, including literacy and language, social and emotional well-being,
and numeracy.

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“Reading is the key to learning, so if we can teach children the early literacy and oral language skills that prepare them to learn to read once they get to school, they will have a greater opportunity to thrive,” says Y WA CEO Dr Tim McDonald.

As a leading authority on student learning and engagement McDonald led the program with recognised experts in their fields. Dr Simmone Pogorzelski, researcher at Edith Cowan University developed the Literacy and Language component in partnership with Knowledge Society and Y WA educators. Dr Tessa Weadman from La Trobe University Science of Language and Reading Lab reviewed the language components, and both were instrumental in facilitating a pilot of the program and evaluated its impact. 

The Y WA has also taken the bold step to appoint Literacy Specialist Renee Chakaodza to provide ongoing support and coaching to educators as they implement the program.

About the Y

The Y WA is a community not-for-profit organisation and has been in WA for over 100 years. In 2019, the Y rebranded from YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association), to demonstrate its inclusivity and support for everyone, regardless of age, gender, religion, sexuality or individuality.

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Today, Y WA comprises of youth services and programs including a curriculum and re-engagement in education (CARE) school, children’s services (early learning, OSHC, Family Day Care), recreation (gyms) and community services and programs. Annually, the Y WA delivers around 200 services, including more than 40 children’s services and more than 20 youth services and programs, as well as two recreation centres, with almost three million participations in more than 50 communities.

Focus on the first five years

The foundations of School ReadY will provide the keys to learning, giving children a head start.

“The first five years of a child’s life is crucial for their development and learning,” says McDonald.

“We recognise how important the years before formal schooling are to assist children to develop the foundational knowledge to enable them to flourish at school. That’s why we’ve developed this program for our Early Learning Centres to educate children on being school ready.”

Y CEO Dr Tim McDonald says the way ‘school readiness’ is defined can mean different things to different people.

Preparing children for success

McDonald says school readiness is often perceived as being able to sit on a mat quietly, being able to get your lunchbox ready, use scissors or being able to listen to a story, “however evidence shows that the brain is so receptive at this young age and there is so much more we can do to prepare children for success at school and beyond”.

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“Based on the research behind the science of early childhood development, we know that early childhood education and care has a crucial role to play in helping children achieve competency in the developmental domains of literacy and language, social and emotional well-being, and numeracy,” McDonald told EducationDaily.

“These are actually the factors that predict future success at school. Building the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by a child so that when they commence formal schooling they can successfully engage in learning – this is what being school ready means to us and why it is important. Our focus on the early years is a commitment to prioritising prevention and early intervention.”

Y WA Early Learning Centre (ELC) locations:

  • Albany ELC (regional)
  • Ashdale ELC, Darch
  • Baldivis ELC
  • Brabham ELC
  • Broome ELC (regional)
  • Bunbury ELC (regional)
  • East Cannington ELC
  • Kalgoorlie ELC (regional)
  • Newman ELC (regional)
  • Port Hedland ELC (regional)
  • Tambrey ELC, Karratha (regional)
  • Timber Tots ELC, Manjimup (regional)
  • Westminster ELC
  • Yappara House ELC South Guildford

Intenational teaching delivers maximum impact

McDonald says the School ReadY program is unique because it combines play-based experiences with intentional teaching in order to achieve maximum impact for the children.

“It is evidence-based and has been trialled in real-life contexts,” he told EducationDaily.

“All resources, materials and planning documents are provided for the educators so that they do not spend precious time creating resources. Delivery of the program is supported by professional learning and on-going coaching and support for staff and families.”

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For those who choose to engage in it, McDonald anticipates the outcomes will be positive – and sustainable.

“Y WA educators will experience early learning centres (ELCs) as a place for genuine social impact for all children, where the foundations for future flourishing are laid.”

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Claire Halliday has an extensive career as a full-time writer - across book publishing, copywriting, podcasting and feature journalism - for more than 25 years. She lives in Melbourne with children, two border collies and a grumpy Burmese cat. Contact: claire.halliday[at]brandx.live