Ten local governments in regional Western Australia will receive a total of $250,000 in grant funding as part of a WA Government program to retain and attract early childhood educators.
It’s the fourth and final round of the Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Childcare Workers Program. The initiative has already provided more than $1 million in grants to the state’s regional councils to help them focus on boosting qualified staff numbers.
The funds are used for training, relocation costs and travel allowances, as well as establishing traineeships and partnerships with local TAFEs to attract more workers to the early childhood education sector.
Through a partnership with the Commonwealth Government, WA’s Shire of Christmas Island has also received $25,000 in Commonwealth funding through the program.
“The Cook Government knows access to quality early childhood and care services plays a critical role in setting children up for success later in life,” says WA Early Childhood Education Minister Sabine Winton.
The program is delivered by the Department of Communities with the support of the Western Australian Local Government Association and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Childcare Workers Program 2025 recipients:
Local government | Project name | Amount funded | Region |
Shire of Boyup Brook | Staff Sustainability: now and into the future | $25,000 | South West |
Shire of Perenjori | Regional Early Education and Development Inc – Perenjori Project | $16,985.07 | Mid West |
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder | City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Early Childhood Education and Care Educator Awards Program | $25,000 | Goldfields-Esperance |
Shire of Collie | Collie Childcare Workforce Development Program | $25,000 | South West |
Shire of Esperance | Esperance-Ravensthorpe Professional Development Series | $49,799.93 | Goldfields-Esperance |
Shire of Gnowangerup | Supporting Early Childhood Educators – Study and Retention Bonuses | $25,000 | Great Southern |
Shire of Kent | Central Great Southern Conference 2025 | $12,000 | Great Southern |
Shire of Kulin | Kulin Childcare Centre | $21,215 | Wheatbelt |
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley | Childcare Worker Housing Support Program | $25,000 | Kimberley |
Town of Port Hedland | Annual Community Childcare Grants Program | $25,000 | Pilbara |
Shire of Christmas Island*Commonwealth Government funded | Staff Development and Incentives Package for Christmas Island Day Care Staff | $25,000 | Indian Ocean Territories |
“For early childhood education and care services, attracting a high-quality workforce can be challenging, particularly in regional areas,” says Winton.
“By providing grants to attract and retain early childhood education and care workers to regional WA, we’re giving more children a stronger start in life and providing more parents the flexibility to return to the workforce.
“It has been fantastic to hear about the initiatives that have been delivered across the state as a result of this program.
“I want to congratulate the successful local governments and commend the incredible work that early childhood educators in Western Australia do every day in supporting children to thrive.”